Monday, March 05, 2007

The Richmond Wrecking Belles

IMG_9261.JPG, originally uploaded by Miclrk.

kicked serious booty on Saturday night. Cheers to the whole team!
Images of the event are on flickr ( and videos of the event are on youtube ( So check them out.

The persistence paid off in the San Francisco as I was able to meet up with the lighting director of the opera there and have a little chit chat. There is really nothing better when going into an "interview" than the person doing the interviewing just generally wanting to have a talk, about whatever. I guess I feel that a conversation is far more efficient means of getting to know someone than the scripted questions, and "probing" that really just show how adept the interviewee is a spontaneously bringing B.S. into existence. So the "convo" went well, and I got a tour of the Opera thrown in to boot. I can finally check "Limp around a major opera house" off my list of things to do.

Next I head out to North Carolina for the weekend. The time comes soon, when all that I own will be collected in one place, at one time. I can not be sure what the outcome will be. Only time will tell...

Friday, March 02, 2007

In a Cafe....

In San Francisco, sipping on an expertly made soy latte (they use vanilla soy and have the patience to create good foam with soy, not easy, but doesn't take a whole lot of extra effort either). I really like this city a lot, I like the way it feels to be here, I like the way the light bounces off of everything in the east bay and daily city, it makes downtown glow from every dirrection. It's what LA could look like, if there wasn't that death cloud hanging above us at all times. Although I have to say that LA wins out for the late afternoon light, that time at like 3-5 pm when the sun shifts from the harsh yellow of mid afternoon to that heavy, saturate amber/gold. And that plus the smogy smog.....brilliant.

I do like this city, i like my friends more though. I guess when it comes down to it, thats what a place, a home, really means. You just have to find that place where, without any exersion of effort, you find yourself surrounded by people and places you love. And you really luck out when what you do to make money falls in line with everything else you love about a place. The ideal situation.

Here's to ideals.