Monday, February 26, 2007

Why Must I Cry!

Just in case you missed it.

Youtube really is an outlet for the best and brightest the free has to offer.


In celebration of my upcoming trip to see Tiana in San Fracisco as she kicks ass as Demanda Riot, I have composed a Hiku to express my feelings of the Derby world.

::the lights in the theater lower. a single point of light, harsh and white in it's intensity reveals to us a single stool, three legs, center stage. the seat is covered in what could be described as red velvet, though not nearly as expesive. the artist uproaches from off stage left, and moves to the seat. he sits. a cold quiet desends across the audience. two singular coughs can be heard, barly audible. the artist lifts his head. speaks::

Oh Derby, sweet pain
You claimed my left leg this year
Next year, maybe more?

::rapture embraces the audience as the imencity of those words takes refuge in their souls. sobbing can be heard. as if to release the audience from the lucid grasp of such poetry the lights once again dims and darkness reigns in the space::

And yes, that is indeed what 6 years of college can do to you.

So Derby this weekend, and maybe a job interview???
If I can get the guy at San Francisco Opera to call me back, I may be able to meet up with him while I'm up there, which would rock.

more to come.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

And so it goes it's only been like a year and a half since last writing.

Rather than catch up on what has happend, I prefer to start fresh.

The leg is still broken. I hope to get back to work soonish, but many people have told me not to push it and injure the leg even worse than it is already. The people at Celebrity Cruises keep calling, seeing if I want to go out on a boat in March. I guess that when I have told them the last two times that they called that I would tell them when I am able to start working, they thought I was kidding. Oh well, at least they are being nice about the whole thing.

The Alex theater, the place I was working in November and December, recently had a bit of a staff shake down, form what I hear. I guess the lady that hired me in the first place isn't there any more, so what future I have working with them is uncertain. I hope to be able to go back and pick up some dates, but that is all really incumbant on what my leg decides to do in the near future.

I have been contacted by the Lighting Director of San Francisco Opera with a "hey, we should talk" email, though after I emailed back haven't heard anything from. I think that would be a great job for me to take. I'd love to really start working in this field that I am supposed to be working in, namely design. Although most assisting turns out to be paperwork wrangling and political game playing, but at least I would get to hang out with, and talk to working designers.

I've also been talking with people from Santa Fe Opera about heading back desert in May to work the Summer season there. Again, I would love to do it and it would be a great experience but all this stuff is or could happening at the exact same time. So at this point all I can do is wait. I feel kinda like my life is getting decided in a board room and all I can hear is the ocasional yelling and the woman that leaves to take a phone call, as I sit across the hall on a bench and wait in anticipation of some verdict.

As I sit around my hometown waiting for news about my "professional life", I constatly encounter people, places, opportunities, things that I would love pursue. Wether it's a job or just reconecting a relationship that has been many years in hiatus, i really just want to start to settle into a life. But with all of this "other" stuff hanging in mid air, it's difficult to really hold on to something concrete. I feel like if I begin to settle in, I will be compromising some other opportunity that might take me away from all of this again. I guess it's just a matter of figuring out what is more important to me, and what I might regret.

At this point I'll just keep on and see where the rush leads. That's about what I've done up until this point, and I haven't encountered a dead end yet.