Monday, February 26, 2007


In celebration of my upcoming trip to see Tiana in San Fracisco as she kicks ass as Demanda Riot, I have composed a Hiku to express my feelings of the Derby world.

::the lights in the theater lower. a single point of light, harsh and white in it's intensity reveals to us a single stool, three legs, center stage. the seat is covered in what could be described as red velvet, though not nearly as expesive. the artist uproaches from off stage left, and moves to the seat. he sits. a cold quiet desends across the audience. two singular coughs can be heard, barly audible. the artist lifts his head. speaks::

Oh Derby, sweet pain
You claimed my left leg this year
Next year, maybe more?

::rapture embraces the audience as the imencity of those words takes refuge in their souls. sobbing can be heard. as if to release the audience from the lucid grasp of such poetry the lights once again dims and darkness reigns in the space::

And yes, that is indeed what 6 years of college can do to you.

So Derby this weekend, and maybe a job interview???
If I can get the guy at San Francisco Opera to call me back, I may be able to meet up with him while I'm up there, which would rock.

more to come.

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