Saturday, December 22, 2007

So I talk a lot

about Santa Fe.

It happens.

Here is video a good friend of mine put together that shows the highlights of this last summer season. Enjoy!

I have gas

in my apartment now. I can cook food, and make tea, and stop freezing on those few nights that it get's into the 30's.

I guess it's not really that surprising but it just strikes me as funny that I moved into the place I am now living at around the 1st of November. Not until yesterday, the 21st of December, did I have the ability to cook food and heat my house. With the month off contract/away from Houston, the daily schedule while in Houston, and my general lack of planning ahead things like that really can happen.

I did find out that I have a fo'real stove. With, like, pilot lights and stuff.

And so does my heater. Which is in the bathroom by the way. I have no idea why the only gas heater in the place is in the bathroom. I feel like there is probably a reason for this, but I don't know it.

But with the donated and bought furniture I now have a respectable dwelling. It's sorta dorm room chic at the moment but there are some projects a'stewing to make the place a bit less predictable.

I leave for LA again tomorrow for good friends, good food, and unexpected adventures.