Monday, May 07, 2007

My Last Week...

in California, at least for a few months. It's always strange to stay in a place just long enough to start having a life; i.e. building friendships, establishing routines, and such, then having to leave it to start over again. I am very excited to start the new season at Santa Fe Opera, this year as a member of the staff. I'm just really going to miss all the relationships that have been rekindled over the past few months. It's crazy to think that I could have been somewhere on a cruise ship working away until june, having missed all the experiences of the last few months that I have come to really cherish.

Here's to breaking a leg, what has turned out to be the ultimate expression of routine breaking!
I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, seeing how it's very expensive and painful, but if you are as hard headed as I am, it's not a bad option.

I'm also unspeakably excited to go up to Colorado to visit 2 great friends who have just had a child. I was expecting myself to be less able to really get my head around a person i've known since high-school having a child, but it really feels right, on many levels. So seeing them will be great, then off to adventures in the New Mexican desert.

I predict: great food, good friends, professional freak-outs, emotional turmoil, margaritas, heat, rain, inspiring sunsets, great people, awful people, no-time, far too much time, earth, air, and light, light, light.

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