Saturday, February 16, 2008

Harold and Maude

Is genius.

You should go see it.

Or if you have seen it.

It’s genius, right?

I had a midnight movie date tonight with a new person from the Alley.

New social circles being forged everyday. Apparently, that’s how I role.

Today ends my time working at the Alley for a bit. I have to go back to my day job tomorrow in hopes that I can prep for the week ahead. And quite a week it shall be. Details to follow, as it unfolds.

Mostly out of curiosity, I sat in for about a half an hour on a technical rehearsal for Houston Ballet this evening. It’s odd to feel like a stranger again in a house that has become home over the past months. Different company, different people, different product, same problems.

Well, maybe not problems…


I will say, it was nice to sit in that theater and not be all that concerned with what was happening onstage.

To just watch, and try to figure out what Gershwin has to do with throwing folding chairs around the stage.

I think it was meant to be ironic…

Or sad.

Either way, I’m glad it was dark. I was smiling from ear to ear.

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