Sunday, February 17, 2008

I could use some help

I have been (on again, off again) collecting and thinking about an expressionistic idea. Not expressionism like the movement, more like the definition of; “to convey meaning by gesture, behavior, representation in art or drama, or in some other symbolic way.”

Regardless, I could use some help.

I have produced/found some 40 images that associate with the word Fall. They all follow a the relatively strict format of being black and white, high contrast, maintain a square format of about 4”, and (obviously) relate to the word Fall.

Ways in which I could use help:

1. I have no idea how to assemble these images. Collage, stand alone, suspended, mounted, applied, et cetra. Ideas for assembly would be appreciated.
2. I could always use more images. From literal to esoteric, the images range from the season of fall, to falling off a ladder, to the fall of Rome, to falling in love. Pretty broad. Additional images would be appreciated.
3. Suggestions of other more interesting interpretations of the word. I have thought of a few as was listed previously, there are many more. Additional interpretations would be appreciated.

Some might be asking what the possible purpose of this exercise will be. To be totally honest, it has none. Oscar Wilde stated that “all art is quite useless.” And when it really comes to the necessities of life and existence, he is pretty much correct.

Rather, take it as a call, both to myself and you, to flex that aesthetic muscle that seems to immediately atrophy when not in use.

That, and a constructive cure for the early stages of boredom.


Anonymous said...

The first thing that popped into my head was framing every picture in a black frame and putting it up on the wall in a big square. I think I've been watching too much HGTV.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of a visual falling effect, like a mobile or chandelier-style display, but stretched out and maybe in the middle of the room, so the viewer can walk around it and under it. Kind of like it's falling on you.
eh...maybe that's too cheezy and obvious...

Other thoughts about "fall":
To undergo conquest or capture, especially as the result of an armed attack
To give in to temptation; sin
To come, as by chance
To come into contact; strike

Anonymous said...

What about "falling for" something, like being duped?

As in, "I can't believe I fell for it when Michael pinky swore that he would blog every day."

For example.