Friday, February 08, 2008

I work, A lot

It’s the nature of what I do. My job, if you will.

I am often shocked, that others are shocked, when I explain a normal day, week, “contract”.

Yes, Contract. I know exactly when I am going to be unemployed. All the time. Every time.

So for those of you who don’t know, or wish to learn, or just want to kill some time peering into another life.

This was my day today.

7:30 – Snooze, toss, sleep

8:00 – Snooze, toss, sleep

8:30 – (begrudgingly) shower, dress, et cetera

8:55 – Arrive at work. Coffee. Notebook. Onstage.

9 to 1ish – work out the kinks of a new show. Run around. Placate.

1 to 2ish – Continue in my commitment to explore the tunnels of Houston and “enjoy” new and interesting subterranean eateries. (you can walk the entire length and breadth of Downtown if you know what turns to take!)

2 to 4:30ish – Drive to a local lighting shop to continue learning a new control console that the city is purchasing for next year. Translated, geek out unabashedly and for no particular reason with the representative of said console company (shocking right).

4:30 to 6:00 – Drive back to the opera. Coffee. Granola bar. Email. Email. Email.

6:00 to 7:30 – Work with the crew at the theater to get the show ready for tonight’s performance.

7:00 to 10:30 – Work/Watch the performance of the show. Critique. Compliment. Inquire.

10:30 to 12:30 – Go out with colleagues for beer, fried food, and venting.

12:30 to 12:45 – Walk back to the Opera. Drive home.

12:45 to 1:15 – Blog.

1:15 to … - Sleep?

Next time on “My Life”

7:30 – Snooze, toss, sleep


Anonymous said...

When I am ghostwriting your memoirs, I will have an entire chapter entitled Snooze, toss, sleep. And maybe one called What is this "contract" of which you speak?

Anonymous said...

dude!! it's so rad to have you using your blog. i sure hope you keep this up.

i think my busy schedule can beat your busy schedule any day