Saturday, February 09, 2008

I went to museum today

Well a couple of them.

I heart museums.

I went to this one first. It might be among my favorite spots it Houston thus far. It has never really been that populated when I’ve been there, which makes for a strong sense of ownership for the place when you are there. It’s the kind of place that you can find a new niche or perspective every time you visit.

And it’s free.

Then, after some misadventures and exploration, I ended up here. First time, and it did not disappoint. I’ve always had a love / hate relationship with Contemporary art museums. I feel like a lot of what is in them has not / will not withstand the test of time. That’s why it is called contemporary I guess. But it did have a really great assortment of stream of consciousness works. One of them continually referenced NPR, and wanted to know why there wasn’t more music being played. All in all an enjoyable, if not pretentious visit.

And it’s free.

Walking back to the car, I found and walked through this sculpture garden. I would describe the works as vaginal. Mostly because there are a lot of sculptures of vaginas.

And it’s free.

Upon completion of the walk, I entered the adjacent parking lot, where I was parked. I then realized that the overflow parking for the museums, where I was parked, is the parking lot for this Presbyterian Church. I audibly laughed when I realized that the vagina garden leads to a Presbyterian church. Or vice versa. Either way, it’s a bit funny.

And it’s free.

It really is nice to have a free day, every once in a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do you like fluorescents? check out the permanent Dan Flavin exhibits...