Monday, February 11, 2008

It’s been 5 minutes

And I’m still looking at the blinking curser.

I’ve written and erased about 10 sentences in as many minutes. Some were witty. Some had lugubrious prose. Some employed unrealistic vocabulary. Some sucked. Some started very interesting story lines in my head, that ran their course, and ended with me staring at a blinking curser after a single word like “So..”, wondering what was so interesting about that particular storyline to begin with.

It’s crazy that so much can happen in a single day. Or two. (p.s. sorry about missing the post yesterday. I blame it on faulty internet connections, a.k.a. someone within a hundred yards of me figured out leaving your internet named “Linksys” and not putting a password on it is probably not a good idea).

But really, a day.

Yesterday, I did my dandiest to break routine. I drove for miles and miles, fueled by office coffee and the tunes provided me by one little ms bossy.

Miles and Miles.

Yesterday I watched Chinese New Year unfold, sipping bubble tea, with thousands of fire crackers and bottle rockets exploding and extinguishing in a cacophony of sensation that made me smile for 2 solid hours.

I found out I have summer, among other things, employment.

Today I worked, flirted, ate, drank, killed time, and said good byes.

Said Hello.

I was challenged to be a better person.

And I was reconciled for not.

World, as in wide web, a lot can happen in a day,

An hour.

A minute.

It’s been 5 minutes

And I’m still looking at this blinking curser.


Anonymous said...

see, doesn't that LOOK cooler than klutch?!?

...there's still an empty hole in my heart only a Mojito can fill...

Anonymous said...


"It's been 5 minutes." Hmmm. Isn't that the name of a song by the Agnostic Bisexuals?