Thursday, December 10, 2009

It's that time again

Time for Michael to go delving deep into the back log of papers, essays, critiques, and general dribblings that is his evidence of Higher Education.  I will have you know, a lot of time and money were spent in putting that "F" in my B.F.A. and I like to remember, occasionally, the steps I've taken to get... well... here.

That being said, to look at all of this, I'm pretty sure "now me" and "22 year old me" would have some stuff to sort out, were we to have a sit down talk, over drinks.

I mean, wow.

Brief Examples:

I actually started an essay for my "Absurdism in Performance" class with the line, "Citizens of Western Idealism, HEAR ME!".

In an essay for "Western Thought" I described Aristotle's Poetics as "... about as helpful a guidebook for performance and art, as Marxism turned out to be for the Soviets."

Using my newly favored term "Homo Aestheticus" 14 times in a critique describing the modern theater patron. (side note, I still think it's a great book and worth study)

And my personal favorite of this evenings wanderings, in an essay for "Western Thought", describing Aristotle's Poetics as "... about as helpful a guidebook for performance and art, as Marxism turned out to be for the Soviets."


It is legit fascinating to look over works, deeds, and catalogues of an older version of yourself.  To trace back thoughts, emotions, ideas to a less articulate / more passionate state.

I think it would be truly neat to be able to have that sit down talk, over drinks, with myself.  Just leaving home for the first time, getting into this field of art and performance for the first time, and accepting for the first time that I don't have a clue.  But in the same breath, settling in with the knowledge that I am really not that far removed from that person.  At all.

The only real difference is time spent living, and the interactions of other people...


In other news, the show I've been working on opens Friday / closes Saturday.  Company holiday party tomorrow night (no obscenely loud Karaoke this year... lame).  And wrapping up prep for the Winter shows.

Next time, maybe we can explore some of my pre-18 poetry together...

Get out the eyeliner and the fishnets.

1 comment:

Tiana said...

I'm totally keen to hear some pre 18 poetry!